AI Tools to help you with your research

You can use Grammarly Citation to help you cite AI tools
Midjourney Prompts that you can use with Bing Images/Dalle or any image generating AI tool
Leveraging ChatGPT: Practical Ideas for Educators (
Resources from Write Center: ChatGpt and the Future of Writing Instruction Recording
Plagiarism Checker
Not all plagiarism checkers are 100% accurate.
Some tools are:
Plagiarism detector
ChatGPT Zero
Elicit: Elicit Tutorials: Elicit will find answers from 175 million papers. Find relevant papers even if they don't match keywords. Elicit uses semantic similarity, which finds papers related to your question even if they don't use the same keywords. For example, it might return papers about “meditation” even if your query only mentioned “mindfulness.”
For every search result, Elicit reads the abstract and generates a custom summary that is relevant to your question.
Perplexity AI: Perplexity AI unlocks the power of knowledge with information discovery and sharing. Ask anything. Perplexity is not liable for content generated
Connected Papers: Youtube explanation: Connected Papers is a unique, visual tool to help researchers and applied scientists find and explore papers relevant to their field of work.
The Consensus app is a mobile or web application that helps groups of people reach a decision through consensus-building. Consensus provides a platform for group discussions, voting, and decision-making. An AI research tool with evidence-based sources.
Jenni AI to help you and be the co-creator to research and write your academic paper.
Bing Image Creator You have access to Microsoft through your school email account. Will create images with your prompt. Quick and easy - supported by Dall-E - Prompt Samples
Bing AI Chat Bot: Just like Chatgpt - AI-powered copilot for the web bringing up the links/sources to your prompt.
Canva has unveiled a series of new features, including several AI-powered tools. Check out the new features here
Visualize your design ideas with Magic Design
Magic Write will create presentations to social media graphics, flyers rand more
Words to images from AI Generated Images
Translations in 100 languages
“Beat Sync,” automatically matches video footage to a soundtrack of your choice
Ask in a question format?
Browse passages from books using experimental AI to identify passages or short sentence to match your need.
More AI tools for Research
Teaching about AI
Creative Tools
Suno for creating music and songs
Runway for creating all creative content. For more details click here.
Canva for all creative designers. Watch this video released in May, 2024 for the latest update.
Tools for Teachers
Brisk Education - Creating lesson plans
Eleven Lab - Text to Speeech and Generative Voice, Dubbing etc
Edu creating lesson plans, powerpoint generators, writing prompts, projects, and more.
Question Well - AI will write Essential Questions, Learning Objectives, and aligned multiple-choice questions
Copilot - creating lesson plans, powerpoint generators, writing prompts, projects, and more. (not free)
TinyWOW - Writing, creating, images, and more
Curipods - generates lesson plans, resources and more